Cleaning and Maintenance of Galley Hood and Galley Exhaust Ducts

Palma |  Vilanova

Sticky or hard grease in the grease extract system? This is not a problem for Titan Airclean. With the LIFA AIR cleaning system we can remove grease residues from the whole length of the grease extract system.

LIFA AIR grease cleaning method offers a variability of brush systems which effectively remove grease from galley extract onboard leaving it clean and safe again.

With this device your extract system will be clean and clean and functional and reduce the risk of fire.

We provide dryer exhaust duct cleaning services for all brands of standard commercial or industrial dryers that can be found onboard.

IMPORTANT: Galley hood and grease extract cleaning is part of the annual maintenance on commercial vessels due to the fire hazard it poses.

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