Cleaning and Maintenance of Galley hoods and Grease ducts, Fan coils and Air ducts, Laundry and Exhaust ducts.

Palma |  Vilanova

Air Duct Cleaning

We can hardly influence what air we breathe outdoors, but we certainly can impact the quality of air in our indoor spaces. Dirty air ducts onboard vessels are a source of contaminants which pollute indoor air.

Air Handler & FAMU Cleaning

Minimal removal disassembling of fan coils and Fresh Air Make Up units allows us to safely clean, sanitize and service the entire exterior casing as well as the inner-sides of the fan coil unit including the system coils, blower motor, interanal chambers, bearings, evaporators, drain pans and air filter housing tracks. Mouldy insulation and electrical lines will also be sanitized.

Galley Hood Cleaning

Sticky or hard grease in the grease extract system? This is not a problem for Titan HVAC cleaning. With the LIFA AIR cleaning system we can remove grease residues from the whole length of the grease extract system.

Yacht Filters

We offer the highest industry standard water filtration equipment with quality and cost-effective products, and can offer a variety of solutions for yachts that require a specific water quality.

IMPORTANT: Galley hood and grease extract cleaning is part of the annual maintenance on commercial vessels due to the fire hazard it poses.

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